List of Proposals
This page includes a summary of all submitted Regen Network Proposals and their final outcome.
This proposal was submitted to enable sending/receiving $REGEN assets.
Passed with 99.9% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#2 Enable IBC Transfers
This proposal was submitted to enable transferring/receiving $REGEN assets on Cosmos.
Passed with 99.9% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#3 Increase Max Validators Value
This proposal was submitted to increase the number of active validators from 50 to 75.
Passed with 95.29% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#4 Regen Ledger v2.0 Upgrade - Signaling Proposal
This proposal was submitted to confirm community approval for Regen Ledger v2.0.
Passed with 96.84% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#5 Regen Ledger v2.0 Upgrade
This proposal was submitted to confirm an approximate upgrade time and date, during which time the chain would briefly halt.
Passed with 99.99% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#6 Set a Minimum Validator Commission Rate of 5%
This proposal was submitted to establish a minimum commission rate, which would encourage decentralization of the blockchain.
Passed with 88.01% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#7 IBC Patch Upgrade
This was an emergency patch proposal. A vote yes signaled that a validator had applied the necessary patch.
Passed with 99.99% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#8 Credit Class Creator - Regen Registry
This proposal added a multi-sig address for Regen Registry to the list of allowed credit class creators.
Passed with 99.99% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#9 Regen Ledger v3.0 Upgrade
This proposal set a time and date for the Ledger v3.0 update.
Passed with 99.87% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#10 Decrease Voting Period
This proposal was submitted to decrease the voting period for community governance from 14 days to 7 days.
Passed with 90.94% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#11 Community Assistance Regarding Lost Genesis Wallets
This proposal was submitted to aid community members who had lost access to their genesis wallet. Original wallets were burned and tokens were sent to new wallets.
Passed with 80.90% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#12 Climate Wiki - Community Pool Funding
This proposal was submitted to allot 400K $REGEN to Branch-Out for the funding of Climate Wiki. Climate Wiki is a ‘sprouting’ knowledge commons tackling the interrelated challenges of information overload, knowledge inequity, and knowledge-action disconnect. Its priority is aligning the interests of our stakeholders: land stewards, ReFi investors, and climate writers.
Passed with 99.71% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#13 Adoption of Currency Allow List Criteria
This proposal motioned to set specific guidelines for the currency allow list that will be used by the coming ecocredit marketplace.
Passed with 92.47% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#14 Regen Ledger v4.0 Upgrade
This proposal set an approximate time and date for the upgrade to Regen Ledger v4.0
Passed with 97% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#15 Add Gravity USDC to Regen Marketplace Currency Allow List
This proposal added Gravity USDC to the allowed currency list for Regen Marketplace.
Passed with 97.04% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#16 Adding Axelar USDC as a marketplace currency
This proposal failed due to a typo in the IBC denom ID.
Failed with 71.88% of voters against the proposal.
#17 Adding Axelar USDC as a marketplace currency
This proposal added Axelar USDC to the allowed currency list for Regen Marketplace.
Passed with 96.63% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#18 Add e-Money EEUR to marketplace allow list
This proposal added e-Money EEUR to the allowed currency list for Regen Marketplace.
Passed with 96.29% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#19 Regen Ledger v4.1 Upgrade
This proposal set an approximate time and date for the upgrade to Regen Ledger v4.1.
Passed with 96.99% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#20 Add REGEN to the Regen Marketplace currency AllowList
This proposal added $REGEN to the allowed currency list for the Regen Marketplace.
Passed with 98.18% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#21 Signal Proposal: Offset Regen Validator Set
This proposal signaled community support to offset our historic validator carbon footprint through the use of community spend funds.
Passed with 99.89% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#22 Regen Ledger v5.0 Upgrade
This proposal set an approximate time and date for the upgrade to Regen Ledger v5.0.
Passed with 99.89% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#23 Proceed with City Forest Credits Offset
This community spend proposal appropriated 86,085 $REGEN to purchase City Forest Credits from the Regen Marketplace to partially offset our historic validator carbon footprint.
Passed with 88.5% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#24 /regen.ecocredit.marketplace.v1.MsgRemoveAllowedDenom
This proposal removed EEUR from the Regen Marketplace allowed currency list.
Passed with 62.16% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#25 Allocate the missing REGEN for City Forest credits offset
This community spend proposal allocated an additional 160,000 $REGEN to fulfill the aims of Proposal #23.
Passed with 95.52% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#26 Liquid Staking: Enabling ICA on Regen for Quicksilver
This proposal enabled liquid staking of $REGEN on Quicksilver.
Passed with 94.85% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#27 Increase Minimum Proposal Deposit to Prevent Spam Attacks
This proposal increased the minimum proposal deposit amount after spam attacks hit other Cosmos protocols.
Passed with 98.80% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#28 Regen Ledger v5.1 Upgrade
This proposal set an approximate time and date for the upgrade to Regen Ledger v5.1.
Passed with 99.99% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#29 Remove Rolling Vintage Policy
This proposal removed the rolling vintage policy for NCT eligble credits, aligning NCT guidelines on Regen Network with those on Polygon and Celo.
Passed with 91.71% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#30 Required Final Offset Amount - Community Spend Proposal for purchasing and retiring NCT
This proposal completed the offset of Regen Network's validator set with the purchase and retirement of NCT eligible ecocredits.
Passed with 90.97% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#31 Revive Axelar IBC Client
Did not go to vote, deposit never met.
#32 Revive Axelar IBC Client
This proposal made the upgrade to 07-tendermint-123 after the expiration of 07-tendermint-100.
Passed with 97.03% of voters in favor of the proposal.
#33 Increase Max Gas / Max Bytes
This proposal updated the max_gas and max_bytes parameters to allow for a larger number, and larger size transactions, thus accommodating ICA and other more complex transactions that might be needed for builders on Regen Ledger.
Passed with 99.99% of voters in favor of the proposal.
Last updated