Logging In (Buyers)
Logging-in allows you to manage your portfolio and buy & sell ecocredits.
Log In from the upper right corner of the Regen page
a. You will be prompted to choose between two log-in methods:
Wallet Log In
A wallet-based login is best if you plan on trading eco credits immediately, and already have a Keplr Wallet.
Click the Keplr Wallet option. This will prompt a Keplr verification popup titled "Prove Ownership".
Click "Approve".
You are now logged in!
You can move forward and set up your profile page to best represent you and provide details for individual credit retirement certification.
Email or Social Log In
An email or social-based login is a good introduction to the network if you just want to explore for now. You can link it to a wallet later to start buying and selling credits.
You can make an account using Google account (gmail) or an email. In either case, you do not need a password.
If you choose to use an email, a code will be sent to that account. The code will be different each time you login, and will give you access to your profile page and account.
If you choose to use Google, Google may send you a verification code, but generally you should be brought straight to your profile page.
You are now logged in!
You can move forward and set up your profile page.
Last updated