Sell Ecocredits
Create Sell Order
1. Connect Keplr Wallet
a. Select the "Connect Wallet" button in the page menu.
b. If you have not previously connected your wallet, a separate Keplr window will prompt you to approve the connection.
2. Navigate to Your Portfolio
a. This option will appear when you hover over your Regen wallet address. Click "My Portfolio".
b. The below page will populate.
3. Select Ecocredits to Sell
a. Click the actions button to the right of the ecocredit batch you wish to sell from. From the menu that appears, select "Sell".
Note that if all the ecocredits from the given credit batch are already retired, this action won’t be available.
b. The below window will appear.
4. Create Sell Order
a. Set the price you wish to charge per ecocredit and how many of the available ecocredits you wish to sell.
b. By default, "Disable auto-retire" is not checked. This means these ecocredits with retire automatically with purchase. Buyers will not have an option to manually retire ecocredits. Check this box to allow your buyers this option.
c. Click "Create Sell Order" and approve the corresponding Keplr transaction.
d. Once the transaction has successfully completed, you will see the below message. Congratulations! You have created your first sell order.
Cancel Sell Order
1. Navigate to the Trade Page
a. Click the "Trade" tab at the top of the page.
2. Select Sell Order to Cancel
a. All recent sell orders will appear on the trade page. You may easily find yours as it will have additional options rather than a "Buy" button on the far right of its section.
b. Click actions button to see your additional options and select "Cancel". The below window will appear.
3. Cancel Sell Order
a. Click the "Yes, Cancel Sell Order" button to start the process. A Keplr transaction window appear. Select your fee and approve the transaction.
b. Once the transaction has successfully completed, you will receive the below message.
Last updated