Take from Basket
This page provides step-by-step directions for redeeming and retiring ecocredit basket tokens through Regen Registry.
Last updated
This page provides step-by-step directions for redeeming and retiring ecocredit basket tokens through Regen Registry.
Last updated
a. Select the "Connect Wallet" button in the page menu.
b. Keplr will prompt you to approve the connection with a separate window. Select "Approve".
a. This option will appear when you hover over your Regen wallet address. Click "My Portfolio".
b. The below page will populate.
a. Find the Basket Tokens you wish to redeem and retire. Click the three dots on the far right hand side of your selected basket.
b. From the options provided, select "Take from Basket". The below pop out will appear.
a. Amount: First input the number of tokens you would like to redeem and retire.
b. Retire: For some baskets, the "retire credits upon transfer" will be pre-checked, in which case you will need to fill in retirement information. In the "Transaction note" section, you may add an optional memo to be attached to the transaction, such as the company that the ecocredits are being retired on behalf of, for example. Fill out "Location of Retirement" details. This information prevents double counting of ecocredits in different locations.
c. Click "TAKE FROM BASKET" and then approve the corresponding Keplr transaction through the separate window it generates.