Axelar USDC
Step-by-step directions for bridging USDC to your Regen wallet
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Step-by-step directions for bridging USDC to your Regen wallet
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Axelar USDC offers the ability to bridge USDC from your Ethereum or Osmosis wallet to your Regen wallet.
This guide provides directions for bridging USDC from your Osmosis wallet to your Regen wallet through the UI.
Ecocredits purchased on the Regen Marketplace are sold in a currency specified by the seller. Before bridging USDC with Axelar, confirm the credits you wish to purchase are for sale in Axelar USDC.
a. Satellite will default to an Osmosis to Ethereum bridge. First change Ethereum to Regen by selecting it from the drop box.
b. Next connect to your Keplr wallet by selecting either of the connect buttons indicated with red arrows in the image above.
a. Input how much USDC you want to transfer. The "Max" button fill this field will all available axlUSDC. Note: Relayer Gas Fees will come out of the amount set here. You do not need to exclude a reserve amount of USDC for gas fees.
b. Paste the Regen wallet address you are sending the USDC to or select the Autofill option to send the USDC to the connected Regen wallet.
a. Click "Generate Deposit Address" which will kick start the transaction.
b. When prompted for your Relayer Gas Fees, select "Send from Keplr" and approve the corresponding transaction.
c. Once the gas fee has been accepted, your transfer will complete.
a. It may take several minutes after the "Transaction complete" message for your transaction to fully process. Once it has, you will be able to view your USDC on the Keplr Dashboard or in the wallet extension.
b. From the Keplr extension, your bridged USDC will be listed in "Tokens" at the bottom of the window.
c. From the Keplr Dashboard, you can see your USDC in your Token Allocation, listed as "USDC".
Congratulations! You have now bridged USDC to your Regen wallet, where it is ready to invest in your favorite Regen Marketplace project.
Find directions for purchasing ecocredits here.