Gravity USDC

Step-by-step directions for bridging USDC.grv to your Regen wallet

The first currency approved by the community for use in the Regen Marketplace was Gravity USDC, that is Ethereum based USDC bridged to your Regen wallet using Gravity Bridge.

This guide provides directions for bridging USDC from your Ethereum wallet to your Regen wallet using the Gravity Bridge Portal.

Ecocredits purchased on the Regen Marketplace are sold in a currency specified by the seller. Before bridging USDC with Gravity Bridge, confirm the credits you wish to purchase are for sale in Gravity USDC.

1. Connect Wallets to Gravity Bridge Portal

a. Navigate to the Gravity Bridge Portal.

b. Connect your MetaMask and Keplr wallets through the two "Connect" buttons.

2. Enter Transaction Details

a. Change the destination chain from "Gravity Bridge" to "Regen".

b. Enter the amount of USDC you would like to transfer. You will not need to save any USDC for transaction gas, as this is fee is charged in ETH.

Note: Your first transaction should be a small test amount to confirm functionality before sending your full amount.

c. In the "Select Token" drop box, select USD Coin.

3. Transfer USDC

a. Click the "Begin transfer" button. You will be prompted to approve your transfer.

b. A MetaMask window will appear with the estimated gas fee, highlighted in red in the above image. This fee is updated dynamically and may change if you leave the window open. This fee is paid in ETH.

c. Confirm your transaction. You will receive a waiting window, followed by a success window if your transaction completes successfully.

4. View USDC in Regen Wallet

a. It may take several minutes after the "Transaction complete" message for your transaction to fully process. Once it has, you will be able to view your USDC on the Keplr Dashboard or in the wallet extension.

b. From the Keplr extension, your bridged USDC will be listed in "Tokens" at the bottom of the window.

c. From the Keplr Dashboard, you can see your USDC in your Token Allocation, listed as "USDC.grv". This differentiates it from other forms of USDC in the Cosmos Ecosystem, like Axelar USDC listed as "USDC" below.

Congratulations! You have now bridged USDC to your Regen wallet, where it is ready to invest in your favorite Regen Marketplace project.

Find directions for buying ecocredits here.

Last updated